Diversity, Equity & Inclusion
Alliance for Creating Trust (ACT) Protocol
This protocol was designed out of a need for students to feel and know with certainty that any complaints reported regarding their physical and social-emotional well-being are being addressed swiftly, supported by other stakeholders within the community, and regarded with care. This work started in the summer of 2020 when students drafted a Reporting Protocol as a system for reporting and tracking the resolution to any forms of discrimination and harassment.
Thanks to the diligence and continued input from students, staff, and school leadership, we are honored to now present the Alliance for Creating Trust Protocol.

Black History Month
Black History Month is an opportunity to celebrate Black achievement, explore Black histories, and honor the painful truths and triumphs that Black people across the diaspora have endured. Celebrations and opportunities for learning will occur throughout the school this month, but we encourage families to keep the conversation going in their homes.
“Real education means to inspire people to live more abundantly, to learn to begin with life as they find it and make it better,”
― Carter G. Woodson, The Mis-Education of the Negro

District Policies on Respecting and Ensuring the Safety of All Students
The policy of the School District of Philadelphia is to foster knowledge about and respect for those of all races, ethnic groups, social classes, genders, religions, disabilities, sexual orientations (perceived or known) and gender identities (perceived or known). Parents and caregivers are encouraged to read the following District policies: